ECE 273, Spring 2024 – Convex Optimization and Applications

Lectures: Tuesdays/Thursdays 3:30 pm -4:50 pm PST

Location: PETER (Peterson Hall) 102


Office hours:

  • Jun-Kun Wang (Friday 3PM-4PM, Jacobs Hall Room 6404)

  • Marialena Sfyraki (Wednesday 1PM-2PM, Jacobs Hall Room 4506)

Syllabus: Available on Canvas

Course description

This course covers the theoretical and algorithmic foundations of optimization. We will cover some convex analysis and duality theory, and we will walk through classical optimization algorithms such as Gradient Descent, Coordinate Descent, the Frank-Wolfe Method, Accelerated Methods, Mirror Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent, and Online Gradient Descent. We will put particular emphasis on understanding the behaviors and the convergence rate guarantees of these algorithms, as well as the tools and techniques to analyze them. Students will learn the basic foundations of deterministic convex optimization, stochastic optimization, online convex optimization, min-max optimization, and non-convex optimization.

A tentative list of topics that we will cover include

  • Mathematical background and Gradient Flow.

  • Convexity, strong convexity, smoothness of a function.

  • Gradient Descent and its convergence analysis

  • Reduction

  • Properties of convex sets

  • Subgradients and optimality conditions

  • Projected Gradient Descent and Frank-Wolfe Method

  • Coordinate Descent

  • Duality Theory, KKT conditions, and Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent

  • Mirror Descent

  • SGD

  • SGD and variance reduction

  • Online Convex Optimization

  • Min-Max Optimization

  • Nonconvex optimization (Gradient Dominance Condition, Finding a stationary point)

  • Acceleration via the Chebyshev Polynomial

  • Momentum methods

  • Optimization as a game

Students are expected to sign up on Piazza and GradeScope. Discussions will happen on Piazza. The homework should be turned in and will be graded on GradeScope. Important announcements will be made via Canvas.


This course assumes basic knowledge in linear algebra and calculus.

Course grade

  • 40% homework (5 problem sets; will drop the lowest score)

  • 25% midterm exam (in class; one page of hand-written cheat sheet allowed)

  • 25% final project

  • 10% scribing and 5% extra credit for course attendance/participation


Week Date Lecture Scribe note Assignments
1 Apr 02 L1: Course logistics, Mathematical background scribe1 HW1 out
Apr 04 L2: Gradient Flow and Convex Analysis I scribe2
2 Apr 09 L3: Gradient Descent scribe3
Apr 11 L4: Reduction scribe4
3 Apr 16 L5: Convex Analysis II scribe5 HW1 due; HW2 out
Apr 18 L6: Projected Gradient Descent and Frank-Wolfe scribe6
4 Apr 23 L7: Intoduction to Stochastic Optimization scribe7
Apr 25 L8: SGD variants scribe8 HW2 due; HW3 out
5 Apr 30 L9: Duality Theory I: Lagrangian and Weak Duality scribe9
May 02 L10: Duality Theory II: KKT conditions and Strong Duality scribe10
6 May 07 L11: Duality Theory III: Conjugate functions and SDCA scribe11 HW3 due; HW4 out
May 09 L12: Mirror Descent scribe12
7 May 14 L13: Online Convex Optimization scribe13
May 16 L14: Online Convex Optimization scribe14 HW4 due; Checkpoint Report Due
8 May 21 L15 Min-Max Optimization scribe15
May 23 Midterm
9 May 28 L16: Min-Max Optimization scribe16 HW5 out
May 30 L17: Acceleration via Chebyshev Polynomial scribe17
10 Jun 04 L18: Optimization as a Game
Jun 06 L19: Concluding remarks
11 Jun 10 Project Presentation Written Report Due

Homework Policy

Students can work with up to two other classmates on the homeworks. However, the solutions submitted must be independently written in your own words. As a hard rule, you must write up your solution individually and cannot copy your classmates’ solutions or let your classmates copy your solutions; otherwise, you may not receive any credit for the HW problem(s). You must write your collaborators’ names on the top of your assignment. If you do not work with collaborators, list “Collaborators: None.”

Students are encouraged to submit a typed solution. Written solutions are allowed but have to be clearly readable. Students might not receive credit for the problems if the written solutions are incomprehensible. We reserve the right to determine if a written solution is incomprehensible.

Each homework and project assignment will have a clearly stated due date. We expect you to turn in all completed problem sets on time. Late submissions and deadline extensions will not be possible for any reason.


The midterm will take place during regularly scheduled class hours on Thursday, May 23, 2024, from 3:30 pm to 4:50 pm . It will be a closed-book exam; however, students are permitted to use a hand-written cheat sheet, limited to one page and two sides, on standard printer paper size (8.5 x 11 inches). The use of electronic devices, such as phones, tablets, laptops, and earbuds, is not allowed during the exam.

Students are expected to comply with UCSD's academic integrity policy throughout the duration of the midterm. Instances of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for adjudication.

Final Projects

Final project: You can form a group of size up to 3 members for the final project.

Grading of the final project: 1% for a checkpoint report, 12% for a written report, 12 % for an oral presentation.

Written report of the final project :

  • Describe an optimization paper in detail using your own words. The paper you focus on should be a peer-reviewed paper from top venues such as ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, COLT, JMLR, Mathematical Programming, or SIAM Journal on Optimization from the past three years. Focusing on papers not from these venues requires discussion with the instructor and obtaining approval first.

Students are required to submit a typed write-up for the final project consisting of 4-6 pages (the list of references does not count toward the page limit). Submitting a report that is less than 4 full pages (references excluded) will result in a score deduction. The write-up must contain a significant theoretical component. Please use the Latex template provided in this link Latex Template.

The report should include the motivation, a description of the algorithm, the underlying algorithmic design principles, and a clear reproduction or summary of the theoretical analysis. When reproducing the proof, ask yourself: What is the most essential part of the analysis? Can you significantly simplify the proofs without trivializing the results? Because of the page limit, you should avoid presenting every step in the analysis in your written report. Focus on conveying the logical flow and key steps of the theoretical analysis.

Students are encouraged to perform simple simulations to test the proposed algorithm(s) in the paper and report their findings in the report, if the paper includes experiments. Code snippets and additional simulation results can be provided in the appendix (after the list of references if any) and do not contribute to the page limit, but the instructor does not have an obligation to read the appendix. The simulations of the method(s) in the paper can be conducted using small, toy, and synthetic data created by your own to showcase the convergent behavior of the algorithm(s) and their baselines. Students do not need to precisely follow the setting nor use the same data as described in the paper. Some papers are purely theoretical without any numerical experiments. In this case, students are still encouraged to create their own synthetic data or come up with a simulation scenario to verify the theoretical results. However, the evaluation of the written report will be focused on whether you can present the motivation, the algorithm, the idea behind the algorithm design, and reproducing/summarizing the analysis clearly . Simulations are optional and will only be considered for the assessment if the other aforementioned components of the written report are not strong.

The due date of the written report is Thursday, Jun 13, 2024, 11:59 pm.

Additional Tasks (Optional) include (1) identifying the limitations and proposing a way to overcome them (theoretically and/or empirically), (2) or improving the results in the paper, such as obtaining a tighter bound or modifying the algorithms to be faster (theoretically and/or empirically), (3) or proposing a new algorithm in the same setting. Final projects which include an additional task with a solid result may receive extra credits. If an additional task is conducted, students should highlight what they have accomplished in the main text of the written report and may provide further detail in the appendix after Page 6, but the instructor does not have an obligation to read the appendix.

Final presentation for the project:

The session for in-person oral presentations is scheduled for Monday, Jun 10, 2024, from 15:00 pm to 18:00 pm (the final exam time). If you do not plan to attend the final presentation in person, please record your video presentation (recommended using Zoom) and upload/share the Zoom link under Canvas/Assignment no later than Thursday, Jun 13, 2024, 11:59 PM. Each team has 10 minutes (subject to change) for their presentation and 1 minute (subject to change) for the Q&A. A team can earn extra credits in their oral presentation by asking a good question or making a constructive remark on the presentations of other teams during the Q&A. Similarly, a team can earn extra credits by answering questions well during the Q&A. So, you are encouraged to attend the final presentaion.

Given the limited time available for each oral presentation, each team should avoid walking through the theoretical analysis in the slides presentation. Instead, the oral presentation should focus on giving a clear high-level picture and key messages of the paper, as if you were the authors aiming to deliver a great lightning talk to draw attention from your audience so that they would be interested in reading your paper offline.

The first couple of minutes/slides should be allocated to describe the setup as clear as possible and/or provide necessary background so that the audience can be on the same page. Subsequently, the main results of the paper should be clearly summarized. If you think you have completed an additional task listed in Additional Tasks above, make sure to allocate at least one-third of time to highlight what you have accomplished.

Checkpoint report of the Final Project: In the checkpoint report, students are required to include the following information:

  • The name of each team member.

  • The title of the paper that you will focus on.

It is emphasized that every member in the team should submit a checkpoint report. The checkpoint report is due on May 17 Friday at 11:59 PM .


Starting from the second lecture, each lecture will have two to three students to scribe. This group of students will be responsible for taking detailed notes in class, and the quality of these notes will be graded. There will be a sign-up sheet for students to sign up to scribe for a preferred date.

Students should use the provided scribe template available on Canvas (also available on Overleaf) and email a typed PDF file with the LaTeX code within 6 days to the TA. The TA will review the scribe and may request students to make updates if any part of the notes is unclear or contains errors. It is expected that students revise the scribe accordingly within a couple of days. Students will receive no more than one request if there are issues in the scribe. If students do not address the issues or errors in the scribe timely, then TA may update the scribe; in this case, students may not receive full credit.


There is no required textbooks. The course will draw some of the materials from the following references. All the following materials are accessible online or accessible via UCSD library online portal. The pointer to the references for each lecture will be clearly given.

Great youtube channels for learning optimization


The design of this course is inspired by the following excellent courses:

The course webpage and the course policy is inspired by the following excellent courses: